Knitting Abbreviations & Craft Terms

Below is a comprehensive list of Abbreviations you may find in Knitting and some Crochet Patterns. If there are any you notice aren’t listed, let me know.

( ) work instructions between parentheses, in the place directed
[ ] work instructions between brackets, as many times as directed
* repeat instructions following the single asterisk as directed
* * repeat instructions between asterisks, as directed
alt alternate
SKP (or skpo) “Slip, Knit, Pass.” Slip a stitch, knit the next stitch, pass the slipped stitch over the knit one. The same as: sl1, k1, psso
slip knot an adjustable loop, used to begin many cast-on methods
approx approximately
beg begin(ning)
bet (or btw) between
BO bind off
cn cable needle: short knitting needle, used as an aid in the twisting of a cable.
CO cast on
cdd centred double decrease. sl2 tog, K1, pass the slipped stitches over (together)
cm centimetre(s)
ch chain (using crochet hook). Start with a slip knot.
CA colour A
CB colour B
cont continue
CC contrasting colour
C2L cross 2 stitches to the left (to work a cable). Slip 2 stitches p-wise onto a cable needle, let cable needle hang in front of work as you knit the next couple of stitches; then knit stitches off of cable needle.
C2R cross 2 stitches to the right (to work a cable). slip 2 stitches p-wise onto a cable needle, let cable needle hang in back of work as you knit the next couple of stitches; then knit stitches off of cable needle.
dec(s) decrease(s)
dc double crochet
DK Double Knitting weight yarn. Slightly finer than worsted weight.
dpn (or dp) double pointed needle(s). A short needle with points at both ends, used in sets or 4 or 5, for knitting in the round.
EON end of needle
EOR end of row
foll follow; follows; following
FC front cross (in working a cable)
fl front loop(s)
g st garter stitch
g (or gr) gram
grp(s) group(s)
hdc half double crochet
hk hook
in(s) inch(es)
incl including
inc(s) increase(s)
k knit
k1 f&b (or kfb) knit 1 stitch in the front, then in the back. This is also called a Bar Increase
k2tog knit 2 stitches together
k2tog tbl knit 2 stitches together, through the back loops
kll knit left loop. An increase
krl knit right loop. An increase
k-b knit stitch in row below. (Infrequently used for knit through the back loop; see K tbl)
k tbl (or K1 tbl, K1b) Knit stitch through the back loop
k-wise knit-wise. Insert right needle into the stitch as if to knit it
LC left cross (to work a cable). As in: cross 2 L
LH left hand
LT left twist (where two stitches cross each other, as in the smallest cable stitch possible)
lp(s) loop(s)
mc main colour
M1R (or M1B) make 1 (back) (right). An increase. From the back, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into front of loop
M1L (or M1, M1F) make 1 (front)(left). An increase. From the front, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into back of loop
M1A make 1 away. An Increase
M1T make 1 towards. An Increase
M1 Make 1. This means to increase a stitch. If the method isn’t specified, use whichever increase you like, for instance M1F.
MB make bobble
m metre(s)
mm millimetres(s)
no number
oz ounce(s)
pnso pass next stitch over
psso pass the slipped stitch over (as in slip 1, knit 1, psso)
pat(s) (or patt(s)) pattern(s)
pu pick up stitches
pm place marker
pop popcorn stitch
prev previous
p purl
p2tog purl 2 together
p2tog tbl purl 2 together through the back loops
p-b purl stitch in the row below. (infrequently used to mean purl stitch in the back loop; see p tbl)
p1 f&b (or pfb) purl the front of a stitch, then purl the back of the same stitch
p tbl (or P1 tbl, P1b) purl through the back loop
p-wise purl wise: Insert right needle down into the front loop, or up into the back loop for tbl
rem remaining
rep repeat(s)
rev St st Reverse stockinette/stocking stitch. The “purl” side of plain, stockinette stitch. Purled on RS, knitted on WS
rib ribbing: vertical columns of knit and purl stitches, side by side, as in K1, P1 ribbing
RC right cross (to work a cable), as in: cross 2 R
RH right hand
RS right side, for instance the outside of a sweater. Stated to indicate which side is facing you when carrying out instructions
RT right twist (where two stitches cross each other, as in the smallest cable stitch possible)
rnd(s) round(s). In circular knitting, a “row” is called a “round.”
sc single crochet
sk skip
ssk (improved) sl 1, sl 1 p-wise, knit slipped sts tog
sl1k (or sl 1 k-wise) slip a stitch knit-wise
sl1p (or sl 1 p-wise) slip a stitch purl-wise
sl aka s slip a stitch. If they don’t specify, slip the stitch purl-wise….Unless you are decreasing: then, slip it knit-wise on the knit rows, and purl-wise on the purl rows. (According to Vogue Knitting)
ss slip stitch (Canadian)
sl st slip stitch(es)
ssk slip, slip, knit slipped stitches tog. A decrease
ssp slip, slip, purl. A decrease, usually done on the purl-side
sssk slip, slip, slip, knit 3 slipped stitches together. A double decrease
sk2p slip1, knit 2 tog, pass slipped stitch over. (a double decrease)
sl1, k1, psso slip1, knit1, pass the slipped stitch over. The same as SKP
sp(s) space(s)
st (s) stitch(es)
St st Stockinette/Stocking stitch
tbl through the back loop
tog together
wyib with yarn in back
wyif with yarn in front
won wool over needle
wrn wool round needle
WS wrong side, for instance the inside of the sweater. Stated to indicate which side is facing you when carrying out instructions
yd(s) yard(s)
yrn yarn ’round needle. Same as yo
yfwd (or yf) yarn forward
yfrn yarn forward and ’round needle. Same as yo
yfon yarn forward and over needle. Same as yo
yon yarn over needle. Same as yo
yo2 (or yo twice) yarn over twice
yo yarn over: wrap the yarn around right needle
yb (or ybk) yarn to the back