Decreasing Stitches
Decreasing can shape your work as well as decrease the amount of stitches on your needles to shorten the width of a work.
Slip Slip Knit (or Purl) – SSK or SSP
This is used for decreasing. It has a similar result to a technique called “Slip 1, Knit 1, Pass Slip Stitch Over” or “SL1, PSSO”. The video below shows both of these techniques of a decrease. It can be done for Knitting or Purling.
This technique is commonly used for a “left leaning/slanting” decrease. This shapes the work to the left.
Slip, Knit, Pass Slip Stitch Over – SL1, PSSO
This is used for decreasing. It has a similar result to a technique called “Slip, Slip, Knit” or “SSK”. The video below shows both of these techniques of a decrease.
Like with the SSK/SSP, this technique is commonly used for a “left leaning/slanting” decrease, where the work is shaped to the left.
Knit 2 Together – K2tog
This technique is commonly used for a “right leaning/slanting” decrease. This shapes the work to the right.
What’s the difference between SSK and K2tog?
SSK is a LEFT leaning/slanting decrease stitch/technique and a K2tog is a RIGHT leaning/slanting decrease stitch/technique, as mentioned above. PSSO is the same as SSK. It is just a different method, with the same result. Do whichever a pattern tells you to do. The video below shows both SSK and K2tog techniques in the one piece of knitting so you can see what effect it has on your work.